Mina Abbasipour holds a Ph.D. in fiber and textile chemistry. She also received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Textile chemistry and fiber science along with a second master’s degree in chemical engineering from Polytechnique Montreal. Her areas of interest include nanostructured materials and nanofiber fabrication for renewable and sustainable energy harvesting and smart fabric for health monitoring. She has published 15 peer-reviewed papers and 3 book chapters. As a Principal Investigator at WIMTACH, she conducts research studies; develops research goals and objectives; designs research studies, and selects appropriate research methods for applied research projects. In her free time, Mina enjoys playing piano and skating.
5 years experience teaching undergraduate students
10 years experiences in materials analytical techniques
Languages: English and French
Proficiency in MATLAB, COMSOL, Python, SPSS, Auto CAD, Solid Works