Eleonora is a Student Researcher at WIMTACH and a student in the Software Engineering Technology program at Centennial College. She is currently assisting the WIMTACH research team as an MERN stack developer. She is responsible for creating backend and integrating it with frontend of Web Applications. As well, she is responsible for fixing UI and functionality bugs, and performing unit tests. At WIMTACH and Centennial College, she has acquired some valuable skills on how to incorporate knowledge in development with JavaScript, Node.js, Linux operating systems, Git version control and SQL/NoSQL databases in real-world situations, while applying both technical and analytical skills. Currently she is discovering how to write clean optimized code, test applications and work in collaboration with others in technical aspects. She is also learning about how to work with Node.js and React, unit test code, integrate different sets of external technologies into WIMTACH projects and work in teams following Agile Methodologies. In her free time, she enjoys baking, dancing and spending time outdoors.