Community Exercise Messaging System (CEMS)

Community Exercise Messaging System (CEMS)

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Partner: Sunnybrook Hospital

WIMTACH at Centennial College and Dr. Laurie Mazu will collaborate to work on a Community Exercise Messaging System (CEMS) Mobile Application project. WIMTACH plays an important role in digitizing healthcare delivery through various Health IT solutions by providing the unique proposition of a mobile, wearable, and interactive research facility and field-based usability testing frameworks at Centennial College. Annually, Centennial and its team of partners create a dynamic interprofessional learning environment which includes a simulated Hospital. There will be over 100 simulated casualties, including patients injured from a major catastrophe to be triaged and treated by the busy Emergency Department. Over 200 participants will join together to simulate a real-life disaster scenario. The mass casualty exercise is designed by an interprofessional team of experts from Centennial College, including Dr. Laurie Mazurik of Sunnybrook Hospital. Students and staff from Centennial, Toronto Metropolitan University, George Brown, York University and University of Toronto will work with professionals or act in the patient roles for the event.

For more information, click here.

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